Posted on 8/4/2020

This little petunia sprouted this spring by the front door between our blacktop and the building. Las year we had a pot of black petunias by the door and a seed must have fallen into the crack. Along comes the rain and sun, germination, growth and blooming occur and we have a lone flower by the door. No one told this little petunia that spring 2020 was going to be unpredictable and not the year we expected or wanted. The petunia seed just dealt with the landscape in which it landed and did its job. We appreciate the dash of color and natural beauty every morning when we walk in. We feel the same way right now. Changes and unpredictability have been the hallmarks of our summer so far. What hasn't changed is the need to create a comfortable environment for our customers. We sanitize and utilize our space to create social distancing. We're in the process of creating an 'outdoor social distancing space' for those that would be more comfortable ou ... read more
Posted on 6/16/2020

The Spring That Wasn't Does anyone else feel like we just skipped over Spring 2020? No Spring break. No vacations, graduations, or family reunions. It was odd in the automotive repair world as we usually are busy with vehicle inspections for long trips and checking air conditioning systems for the upcoming warmer weather. None of these things were necessary. The A/C system didn't really matter because most vehicles weren't leaving their driveway, no matter the weather. You know what wasn't canceled? Time with family and the opportunity to get to the things on your 'home repair' list that you had put off until life slowed down. And then it did. Not by our choice, but it all came to a standstill for many people. With the many challenges that these times brought, they also brought some clarity to the things that were important. Spring still showed up and the weather seemed to be similar to everything in 2020 so far. Unpredictable ... read more
Posted on 11/25/2015

There is a lot of controversy this time of year regarding stores opening on Thanksgiving Day to get a jump start on the Black Friday crowds. For us, Thanksgiving has always been a day of spending time with family and eating way too much food. It’s important in the midst of all the cooking and catching up with relatives we don’t see enough, to give thanks. What are you thankful for? Take the time this Thanksgiving to be thankful and to tell the people in your life that you are thankful for them. Even if they took the last piece of pecan pie that you were dreaming about at the feast. For the first time in many years we will be closed this Friday. We have the opportunity to spend some time with relatives that we don’t get to see as much as we’d like. It also gives our employees an opportunity to spend an extra day home with their families. It was a big decision for us because the day after Thanksgiving can be busy and we like to be available for our customers. But, sometim ... read more