Posted on 9/2/2015

Ratchet and Wrench is an automotive industry publication that we've enjoyed reading since its inception several years ago. The magazine tells the story of someone who runs, owns or works in the automotive repair industry. They give a description of how they overcame a problem within their business or approached something from a different angle, and came up with a unique solution or idea. We are really excited to be featured in an article in the September issue of Ratchet and Wrench. The focus of the article is Jeff's move from automotive technician to service advisor. It was a business decision that we made years ago as we grew the business. Jeff has always enjoyed working with customers, but in the past had worked mostly as a technician. It was a neat opportunity for us to share our story and hopefully encourage anyone that is currently trying to make a similar decision. We've been blessed with terrific employees who've contributed to our business in so many ways. They've ... read more