2018 is right around the corner. Time for new goals! Or not. Maybe they’re the old goals you didn’t reach in 2017. I’m putting my hand in the air on that one. Everyone starts out in January with the idea that it’s a new year and a new you! I don’t know about you, but I still have to drag my ‘old you’ into the New Year. She doesn’t always follow through with the ‘new you’s’ grand plans. They look good written in my planner. And yes, I actually write them down. Putting them in my notes on my phone just isn’t the same.
We set goals as a business too. We’re always focused on improving customer service, hitting training hour goals, raising standards in areas we feel need improvement and reaching community support goals. I think these goals are easier to reach as opposed to goals I set for myself because we have accountability among our team. It’s easier when everyone is working toward the same goals. Sometimes we do have to carry the goals over to the next year because we aren’t quite were we want to be. But that’s OK. Working toward something and not quite hitting the mark still means you improved. You just continue on the path that you started on and eventually, you’ll reach your goal.
It’s also healthy in business and our personal lives to look at things critically and recognize what positive things we can do to improve. Looking at what can make you happier and healthier is a worthwhile use of time. In business, looking at ways to improve your employee’s work experience and your customer’s service experience is important to the health of your business.
I’m working on my goals for 2018 and I think there will be some carryover from this year. Cutting back on sugar has been a goal. I’m still working on it because they keep making dark chocolate. I don’t know that team accountability would work with that goal. We’d probably all rationalize that it’s dark chocolate so it’s good for us. And then split a dark chocolate with sea salt and almond bar. Almonds are also good for you!
Whatever your goals are for 2018 we wish you the best in attaining them. Have a very Happy New Year and be safe!