Snow. Cold. Maybe even bitter cold. Bitter cold in Michigan is best described as cold that causes you to sit in your car at the gas station saying to yourself “Get out and pump gas!”. Ok, maybe that’s just me. But you know that feeling if you’ve lived in Michigan for any amount of time.
Not being prepared for winter weather can put you in an inconvenient situation. A non-starting car at school, home, or work throws everything off. And if it’s cold outside, that just adds injury to insult as you stand in the blowing wind and wait for a ride or tow truck.
Helping you deal with this situation is our job. Getting you back on the road as quickly as possible is always our goal. We would rather see you perform routine maintenance and not have to deal with this situation at all. Sometimes, a car breaking down is just a part failing and nothing you can control. But, having an ASE certified technician inspect your vehicle before the winter wind comes rushing in makes it less likely that you’ll be the person we’re handing a cup of coffee to in our lounge area saying, “let’s take a look and see what’s going on with your car.”
I’m not a fan of winter so I’m sticking with the idea that we’ll have another light winter. However, I’m also having all the fluids checked, battery checked, and new windshield wipers installed because The Farmer’s Almanac is right often enough that I’m taking no chances!