We are a Marine Corp Toys for Tots donation sight and it’s so terrific to watch the toys pile up in the donation box. Over the years, we’ve heard some heartwarming stories about why people donate to this particular charity.
Sometimes it's someone who benefitted as a child from Toys for Tots. Other times, it's someone who brings their children in and has them put the unwrapped toys in the box as a lesson about giving back. Maybe it's someone who feels blessed and wants to bless a child with a gift at Christmas.
When I walked into my office one day this week, there was a ten dollar bill on the desk with a note that read “Buy toys with this money.” Someone had come in and given Cameron the money and told him to buy toys for the Toys for Tots donation box.
The holiday season can be stressful, hectic, emotional and overwhelming. Keeping the Christmas Spirit alive can be tough when battling lines at the store, frustrated people and lots of traffic. In our world, there are days when we are adding more stress when telling someone their vehicle needs unexpected, expensive repairs.
The Christmas Spirit is alive and well. Sometimes we need to stop and look for it and let it remind us what this time of year is all about. It's not about the getting, it's about the giving. It's smiling at someone else in line or taking the time to say “Thank you!” to someone working during the holiday retail madness. Pay it forward whenever you get the chance. Helping someone even in a small way raises not just their happiness level but yours as well.
Thank you to the person who took the time to stop by and donate to Toys for Tots! The note and the thought behind it were a good reminder to embrace this season and pass along the Christmas Spirit whenever possible.