Posted on 2/7/2023

Spring break Preparation Most people are dreaming of Spring Break as we deal with the grayness of Michigan winter. It’s fun to plan the trip to the beach for a week of sun, sand and surf. What isn’t as fun to think about is the road trip. Will we drive straight through or stop? Can we entertain the kids that long? Can we listen to “Are we there yet?” on repeat for hours? The big question should be, is my vehicle prepared for a long trip? All the planning, reservation making and Google searches for ‘the best beach in_________? can be waylaid by an unexpected car repair on the way to our destination. Living in Grand Rapids means that you have some great family-owned repair shops that are available to inspect your vehicle and make recommendations to help you have a safe, reliable vehicle for your trip. From BMW to Land Rover, Honda to Ford, no matter or make of vehicle, having a pre-trip check over is a smart decision. We know the stress an unexpect ... read more
Posted on 10/8/2015

We have a customer that has been driving for 58 years and has never gotten a ticket. Not one for speeding or parking, nothing. He also has never been involved in an accident. When he stops in to chat with Jeff and they have an ongoing conversation about this milestone. When you watch people on the road today, it's amazing how much driving has changed over the years. When Bob started driving, drivers paid attention to the road. There were no cell phones, GPS technology, Starbucks coffee in the cup holder, no distractions. We hear all the stories about someone's last text before they crashed their car, or the “almost” accidents when someone chatting on their cell phone cuts another driver off on the road. Sometimes we are that person and understand what we're doing when we look up and realize we weren't paying attention to our driving as much as we thought we were. I read something when I was a teenager that said you should drive as if every car on the road was out to hit ... read more