Posted on 4/12/2021

I found it on the internet! The internet is an amazing place filled with an answer to every question, right at your fingertips. Baking and need a substitute for the egg you thought you had? Planning a trip and need car games for kids? Here you go! These are both examples of websites that are easily proven to be quality information. One thing the internet is not good at is deciding what is accurate information and what is not. Many people are ‘experts’, but are they? I made an avocado hummus recipe that was ‘amazing’ and ‘5-stars’. It was on a blogger’s website with rave reviews. You know what it did not have? Flavor. I followed the recipe to the letter, and ... read more
Posted on 10/21/2015

“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six hours sharpening my ax.” – Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is someone that can be quoted for many different situations. I think because his words were so simple yet so true, even today. In his day, an ax was an important tool used by people on a daily basis. It could be used for protection, acquiring fuel for your fire, and building your home. Your muscles were what powered this tool so your ability to perform a task was limited by your physical strength. The tools that we use in our business vary from a wrench or mallet to a computer. The correct tools are required now more than ever. We’ve gotten to the point where some tools are very vehicle specific. Some are even based on the year, make and model of the vehicle. What implications does that have for today’s car owner? One thing it does is limit your ability to work on your vehicle. As technology advances and cars become more technologically sophisticated ... read more