We’ve waited long enough. I think this means that we cannot complain when it is 95 degrees and 100% humidity. But we still will. It’s part of living in Michigan.
It also means that it is time to test your air conditioning system. By testing, I mean turn it on. Turn the dials. See if it cools in both the back and front of your car, if that is an option for your vehicle. The first hot day in the auto world brings phone calls from drivers that haven’t turned on the A/C since last summer. Be the ‘cool’ one and check your A/C now.
The other item you want to check is your coolant system. Coolant protects your engine from extreme temperatures. Let’s go back to last summer and remember what it felt like when you climbed into your steaming hot car. Do your car a favor and have the coolant tested now so that you are ready for the heat.
You’ll be glad you took care of these things. If you get your air conditioning recharged, you can sit in the car when it’s 95 degrees outside with 100% humidity and turn the A/C way up. You could even pretend that it is winter again. I don’t think you’ll be able to cool your vehicles interior temperature down to -11 degrees without the wind chill though.