Michigan is such a fickle place to live when it comes to our weather. If you've lived here long enough, you really will have worn a coat and gloves in the morning and shorts in the afternoon. Some days it feels like Mother Nature looks into my car and says, “You forgot your gloves? Time for snow and cold wind and by the way, you need to fill your gas tank. Have fun standing outside of the car!”
Now think about your car. You want it to be prepared for any weather Michigan dishes out. Check your coolant. Can it handle the heat? Make sure your windshield wiper fluid is full and that your wipers are in good shape. Are all of your vehicle’s lights working?
Here’s the most important thing to do in the spring. Turn on your air conditioning. Don't wait until you need it. Remember last year when the A/C wasn't quite as cold as it usually is? Or it was making a noise? But then it became cold and you switched over to heat in your car. The lack of cold air flowing through your vents was offset but the freezing cold air flowing in whenever you opened your car door. Using your A/C in the car became a distant memory.

Now it's spring in Michigan. One of these beautiful sunny days it will become very hot—very quickly. You'll reach over to push that button and that memory will come flooding back. “Argh! I forgot to have the A/C checked last Fall!” But you're in good company! This will happen to many people and everyone will need to have their air conditioning checked. Some will need their system to be repaired. Many will just need a recharge on the system. It's one of those luxuries in life that we’ve gotten so used to that it's become a necessity. The first hot day and the phones in our shop ring with customers who forgot about their cooling issues.
So when you jump into your car today, roll down the windows and enjoy the fresh spring air. Put your sunglasses on and enjoy the feel of the sunshine warming everything up. Now push the button to turn on your air conditioning in your car. If it doesn't work, call your favorite auto repair facility and schedule a checkup. If it is working, savor the sense of accomplishment that you are prepared for summer. Well, except for your coolant? Is that ready for summer heat?
Check back next week to find out about the exciting life of your vehicle's coolant and what it does for you!