Jeff and I went to Las Vegas last week to celebrate NAPA’s 90th anniversary. We were able to take advantage of training and to meet with vendors to see what new tools and equipment were available.
There were people from all over the world at this event and many times you learn a great deal from the attendees. Conversations are started about issues and solutions that have occurred in another shop owner’s business. The classes we attend encourage you to look at your business and see where you can improve…always a good thing for your business and customers.
Being a NAPA Autocare Center is something that we are proud of achieving. We are an independent business with access to training and programs, specials and parts that we might not have access to otherwise. We are affiliated with groups that reflect our values and commitment to our business.
We just put up our new NAPA Autocare sign. I tried to get the NAPA Corporation to switch their colors to our signature burgundy and black but they didn’t bite on that idea. The blue and yellow looks good and makes our building standout. It’s also well lit so it will be a nice addition to our corner.
Along with great training, we also received some fun items from our vendors. Since we love to pass things along to our customers, we’re holding a drawing for a fun NAPA swag bag, which will include some vendor items, along with gift cards and items from local businesses we love. Comment on this blog post at [email protected] or on our website, www.arienol.com, and connect with us by clicking the Contact button. If you contact us by May 20 at 12:00 PM, you will be entered to win the bag of fun and somewhat useful items. I will notify the winner by email. You will not be required to walk any type of red carpet to receive this bag of goodies!