Most Michiganders’ memories of the 4th of July usually include sparklers, insect repellent, hamburgers and hot dogs, fireworks and cars. And either a trip in the family vehicle or sitting on the hood of the car watching fireworks explode overhead. The air is filled with oohs and aahs as we celebrate the birthday of our country.
Whether you are driving a minivan, SUV, convertible, truck or sedan on the way to your festivities, you are celebrating the American way of life. We are very busy for several weeks preceding this holiday as people prepare for either a trip to visit family or a camping trip. From my limited vantage point, it seems most people stay in Michigan. Why?
What better place to celebrate than our great state! You can take advantage of either the beautiful woods and campgrounds, numerous beaches and the towns they’re in, or one of the many small-town 4th of July parades. If you love cars, sitting at a parade and watching the antique and classic cars go by is like seeing a montage of Michigan’s past. The fire trucks are favorites of all small children. Usually because the firefighters throw a lot of candy off the truck.
Enjoy the holiday. Appreciate the blessing of freedom and the people that sacrificed their lives for America and for all of us. Eat burgers and potato salad and laugh a lot. I was just up north and if you are headed up there, bring a lot of bug spray.