Technology is an interesting beast. It has changed our lives in almost every way. We live in a day and age where change is constant. I’ve read articles that say that the human mind has to adjust to the rate of technological change because it is more rapid than ever in history.
I don’t work on vehicles, so it’s rare that I can assist a customer with the mechanics of their vehicle. A while ago, an older woman came to the shop counter and explained that her son bought her a GPS unit for a long trip. Appreciative yet clueless on how to use it, she had hoped someone could help her.
Luckily, I know my way around a GPS unit. I have no sense of direction and don’t look at being lost as a potential problem when traveling. I assume it’s going to happen and I hope to discover something new and exciting while trying to find my way back to my route. GPS and my cell phone have changed this. My Dad once said while traveling with me that the use of GPS was going to make future generations directionally challenged. Since I was born that way, I feel my use is justified.
I installed the customer’s GPS unit on the dashboard and programmed some of her destinations into the unit. We had a great time. We talked about her upcoming trip and the difference this GPS would make for someone driving by herself to unfamiliar places. It was the highlight of my day. It made me realize that, for those who have not relied on technology in their everyday life, it is can be a huge adjustment to use a technology that many of us assume is easy to navigate without question.
I’m hoping my kids read this and have more sensitivity when I tell them I can’t get the DVD player to work, again.