One of our quotes for this week seemed like a good one for this time of year. “Do more things that make you forget your phone.”
It’s summer in Michigan. It’s a time we should be enjoying the summer weather, walking on the beach, eating at one of the locally owned restaurants, hiking and enjoying nature, and spending time with the people that make us happy.
I’m as guilty as the next person of having my phone with me all the time, taking photos of whatever catches my eye, checking out social media, and responding to emails that don’t need to be responded to right away.
It’s easy as a business owner to believe you need to be reachable 24/7. Being ‘connected’ is what it’s all about now. With Facebook and Instagram (and I admittedly love Instagram) it’s almost a matter of ‘if it isn’t posted, did it happen?’ If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it…
The real question should be; if you were busy taking a picture of a moment and finding the perfect filter to post the photo, did you really appreciate the moment? I had to stop after reading the quote and think about doing something that I could simply appreciate, with the people I’m with, in that moment and not stop to take a photo.

Arie Nol Auto Center is on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. They are great opportunities to share snippets of time in our shop, vehicles we’re working on, auto news, and some humor. Social media is here to stay but we also must step away and realize that while it’s fun, maybe informative, and who doesn’t love videos of goats in pajamas? We need to participate in life.
The other quote on our sign was ‘Seek to be worth knowing, rather than to be well known’
Good words.