Our goal is to make our customer’s automotive repair experience as painless as possible. Even though we have several options to meet their transportation needs, sometimes it works out well for them to have us drop them off at their home or office. Sometimes, it’s an unexpected breakdown and they just need a ride home.
It’s usually either Cameron or I that is available to drive the customer to their destination. I’ve had some of the best conversations with a wide range of topics. Many times, I’m asked if I’m related to anyone at Arie Nol and I share that I’m Cameron’s mom and Jeff’s wife.
Riding in the car with someone gives you the opportunity for both of you to learn a little about the other person. Sometimes, they have had a very stressful day with their car braking down and their schedule has been drastically altered. I’ve stopped at the grocery store, driven through McDonald’s so someone can get some breakfast, listened to small children sing Disney songs and even been quizzed about my birth date and how old I am by a 4-year old who’s birthday was fast approaching. By the end of the conversation I was a little disappointed that I wasn’t also able to have a Disney princess party.
I had a serious conversation with a gentleman from a South American country about chocolate and he explained the differences in chocolate grown in different areas. Several weeks later I had picked him up at home and he gave me a bag of chocolate meant for hot chocolate from his country. It was amazing and whenever I used it, it reminded me of the great conversation and everything I learned about chocolate.
Pictures of grandkids, conversations about pets (especially cats), and feelings about world events are some of the many topics I’ve had the good fortune to share with customers in the car. It also reminds me why I am so thankful to work in the service industry. We may be the last person anyone wants to see because it means a car repair bill, sometimes unexpected.
It affirms to me that being able to have a nice chat about random things is sometimes what you need. I’m always up for that.