I’ve been the observer in many discussions about which vehicle is the best. Many people that love cars have a particular favorite, with stories and statistics to back it up. Chevy vs. Ford, BMW vs. Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen vs. Audi, Honda vs. Toyota etc.
It’s like cat lovers vs. dog lovers. For every reason you love a particular brand, breed or make, someone has a reason you should choose something else. Everyone has an opinion. Cats are snobby and unloving and dogs are man’s best friend. Or, dogs are messy and cats are meticulously clean.
Choosing a car is a very personal decision. I like speaking with people when they are in the shop having an inspection performed about a vehicle they are interested in purchasing. Most people do their homework to determine what fits their lifestyle and driving needs. Sometimes everything fits the criteria, but they drive the vehicle and they just don’t like it. Maybe they just can’t get comfortable in the seat or they don’t like the dashboard layout. Or, there is something they just don’t like about the car.
Depending on where you are in life, you may be buying something strictly for utilitarian reasons. A minivan is a good example. They are mocked all the time, but as a former 1990 Ford Aerostar minivan driver, they can’t be beat when you have three small children. If children are out of the equation, the thirst for that sports car dictates what type of vehicle you choose. Doing your homework and determining what fits your needs is key to loving your vehicle. In case you wanted my input, the answers are cats and Volvos.