It's interesting how many customers come in and say, "I don't know anything about cars, but this is what's happening with my car."
Back in the old days, if your phone broke, you purchased a new cord, because that's probably what was worn out. Now, when my iPhone isn't working, I call the Genius Bar and make an appointment. I walk in at my appointed time, hand the wonderful Apple employee my phone and say, "It's broken. It won't open when I drag my finger across the screen.”
I don't know why. I don't care why. I just want it to work. It's usually something I did and I'll try not to do it again, but no guarantees.
In the past, many people had a lot of knowledge about vehicles. Many people performed oil changes, tune-ups and worked on brakes in the garage with their dad. They had a basic understanding of a vehicle’s mechanical systems. When they did have to bring their vehicle in for repairs, they could tell the technician which system was malfunctioning.
In my opinion, people still have that sense that they are supposed to know what's wrong with their car. But you don't have to know, and in many cases, you can't know. Modern vehicles are so much more complex and have so many more working parts. Computer systems have changed your vehicle in so many ways and without the knowledge of how those systems work, it is tough to figure out what's wrong.
If you come into our shop, the person you speak with at the counter will ask you some questions about what is happening with your vehicle. They will then pass this information along to the technician, who will use his many years of experience and his many hours of training and education to fix your car. Sometimes, the technicians will collaborate with one another to come to a diagnoses.
So, if you come in, relax and don't feel that we expect you to tell us what's wrong with your car. Our goal is to fix your car with minimal disruption to your life. Just like the person who fixes my phone, we don't expect you to tell us more than you're able to.